
Vote For South London's Best Park!

Vote For South London's Best Park!

Parks are vitally important, particularly in urban environments like London. To be able to escape the concrete and steel cage of the city, for just an hour possibly, has to be a good thing. Not that the countryside is for everyone, there are plenty of people who can't stand the slowness, the absence of activity, but to have that sort of space is very good. Below we've provided you with a shortlist of what we think are the best park in South London, and we've tried to make the spread as fair as possible. Obviously all of this is subjective, and we may have missed your favourite park out, for that we can only apologise - we did out best. We tried to make the definition as fair as possible, so if it was defined by the council that runs it as a park, we included it - which explains the presence of Blackheath in the shortlist. We've been asking you guys to vote a bit recently, and you guys have responded really well. We had a vote for South London's Best Train Station, and then we asked you to vote for South London's Worst Train Station - almost twice as many of you voted in the latter poll, than in the former, giving an indicator as to how much us South Londoners like a good moan.  We won't be asking you to vote for South London's worst park though, we don't think that's anything worth celebrating at all - parks as an idea are inherently positive, and should be treated so, regardless of their current state. Anyway, we've included images of the parks below the voting form, have a look at some of those if you need to be reminded what they look like. The voting closes on Thursday 27th July, and the results will be released on Friday 28th July.

A-Z Independent Breweries Of South London

A-Z Independent Breweries Of South London

If there’s one thing that London does well it’s beer. And ale. And stout. Microbreweries and taprooms are sprinkled across the whole of south London. Readers will likely be familiar with stalwarts Meantime and Late Knights but what about Earth Ale or Hop Stuff? For all out beer geekery head down to The Beer Shop in Nunhead or Hop Burns and Black in East Dulwich which both stock some of the best beers you’ll find this side of the Thames. There are new microbreweries popping up all the time so this is not a definitive list. However we’d love to hear from you on social media if there are any that others that you love or would recommend.

11 Great Italian Restaurants in South London

11 Great Italian Restaurants in South London

Italian food is pretty well-travelled. Go anywhere in Europe or North America, and you'll probably be able to find an Italian restaurant. Italian food is undoubtedly popular - it's so popular that a particular Italian food is the central premise to a worldwide fast-food chains. If you hadn't guessed, that particular food is pizza. When you think of Italian food you probably split it between pizza and pasta - some of you might even think of just pizza. Italian food is so popular that it's hard to think of a time before it in the UK, a time that we shall call 'BP'. If you can't, we'd encourage you to ask your parents, or anyone you know who was alive, or at least aware, during the 60s about it. Having a favourite Italian restaurant is an essential we would say, and South London has plenty of fantastic Italian restaurants waiting for you to discover them, so to help you out, we've compiled a list of 11 great Italian restaurants in South London.

11 Great Vietnamese Restaurants in South London

11 Great Vietnamese Restaurants in South London

London is well-known for having some of the best Vietnamese restaurants this side of Saigon, however there are many beyond the more commonly known establishments in East London. South London is home to numerous different cuisines, and we're not saying Vietnamese food is our favourite, but it certainly has added something rather delicious to the South London food scene. We reckon it's about time you got stuck into some, so we've gone out of our way to compile a list of 11 Great Vietnamese Restaurants in South London.

9 Best Supper Clubs & Pop-Ups in South London

9 Best Supper Clubs & Pop-Ups in South London

London is renowned for its fantastic food scene, increasingly more of which is being supplied by the many supperclubs and pop-up eateries springing up across London. These not only provide diverse and affordable dining opportunities but let passionate chefs and foodies wow guests with their creative dishes and unique food culture. Here’s are a few of our favourites from South of the river.

10 Independent Cinemas in South London

10 Independent Cinemas in South London

Ah the silver screen! Romance, drama, comedy, horror, sci-fi - we've all got different tastes. Some of us like watching movies at home, curled up on the sofa with loved ones, or on our own, becoming absorbed in a world away from ourselves, that's cool, we understand. A lot of us though, we love going to the cinema, to see films in a special setting, and to make an evening of it. What do independent cinemas have over, say, your Odeons? Let's just tell it straight - character. These places are unique on the inside and out, and if you're going on a date, then surely it's better to go somewhere a little different, rather than the flat-pack, business park cinemas littered all over the country. Anyway, we thought it would be nice to compile a list of the 10 independent cinemas in South London. Before you moan at us for not including Picturehouse, they're owned by Cineworld and have been since 2012, so they're no longer independent in our eyes.

Vote For South London's Best Train Station

Vote For South London's Best Train Station

At South London Club we've decided it's about time it was decided what is South London's best train station. When deciding what made a train station good, we worked out two key elements - usefulness and beauty. An example of this is Lewisham, which is incredibly useful, but very few would argue it to be beautiful. North Dulwich on the other hand is a very pretty building, but certainly not one of most useful stations in South London. Using this system we whittled down a shortlist of 40 trains stations within Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, from which you can vote fro what you think is South London's best train station. Check out the list below,  and choose your favourite. We've included relevant images of the stations included in case you need a bit of assistance in picking a choice. The results will be announced on Friday 30th June. Keep you eyes peeled for another list of the worst stations in South London for you to vote on.

18 Outdoor Cinema Venues in South London

18 Outdoor Cinema Venues in South London

Going to the pictures in South London has, traditionally, been a rainy-day activity, however, slowly but surely, this perception is being chiselled away. How? Well, after much consultation with scientists it has been discovered that projecting a moving image upon a large screen outside can also be done in the UK. Due to the fickle weather of this country however, this activity is only really doable during the summer months and, thankfully, the kind, handsome, and talented residents of South London are spoilt for choice with regards to venues. We love you guys, and we love films, so to show you our love we’ve compiled what we think is a pretty exhaustive alphabetical guide to 18 outdoor cinema venues in South London. Enjoy.

8 Scenic Spots for Yoga Practice in South London

8 Scenic Spots for Yoga Practice in South London

We love a bit of yoga at South London Club, and we're very sure that a good number of you do too. First things first, forget about yoga in a crowded, sweaty studio. Just simply forget about it. It's summer, and why should you be inside when you could be out in the big wide world, in the fresh air, enjoying alfresco back-to-basics yoga in a scenic corner of South London, rejuvenating your body and mind. For those of you who don't practice yoga, imagine this list without the "yoga practice", for you this is just a list of 8 scenic sport in South London. Really though, it is a list of 8 scenic spots for yoga practice in South London.

22 Independent Theatres in South London

22 Independent Theatres in South London

Do you enjoy the bright lights, breathtaking music and awe-inspiring sights of a great theatrical production?Independent theatres, however, range greatly in size, type and frequency of events/performances. Some are large, with famous actors and playwrights vying for artistic prestige in purpose-built theatres to audiences of up to around 1,000 people, while others take the form of a church hall or community building that is transformed into a set for young, developing actors, performers and writers To make things easy, here’s our list of the best 22 independent theatres in South London.