
25 Cuisines To Try in South London

25 Cuisines To Try in South London

South London is an incredibly diverse region, and is home to numerous different ethnicities that all contribute something different to the areas that they call home. There a number of different avenues through which different groups access each others cultures, and are able to some extent experience them. These include mediums like visual art and music, however, we're not here to talk about them, though they are worthy of discussion, no, we're going to be talk about a more overtly sensational medium - food. Though you can taste similarities between different cuisines, each and all have something about them that sets them apart - be it a reliance on particular ingredients native to the country, or a signature popular dish. There are even some cuisines that have become so established here that the cuisine served on these shores has mutated, for want of a better word, and there are dishes served that were developed in the UK - see chicken tikka masala. So here is a list of 25 different cuisines that you can try in South London.

History of The Brixton Markets

History of The Brixton Markets

“We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue and then we’ll take it higher” sang Eddy Grant in his 1982 hit single. The song - his response to the 1981 Brixton riots - centred on one of the area’s most famous streets and home to part of Brixton Markets. Brixton Markets now comprises of the street market down Electric Avenue, Pope’s Road and Brixton Station Road plus the arcades of Brixton Village, Market Row and Reliance Arcade.

Vote For South London's Best Train Station

Vote For South London's Best Train Station

At South London Club we've decided it's about time it was decided what is South London's best train station. When deciding what made a train station good, we worked out two key elements - usefulness and beauty. An example of this is Lewisham, which is incredibly useful, but very few would argue it to be beautiful. North Dulwich on the other hand is a very pretty building, but certainly not one of most useful stations in South London. Using this system we whittled down a shortlist of 40 trains stations within Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, from which you can vote fro what you think is South London's best train station. Check out the list below,  and choose your favourite. We've included relevant images of the stations included in case you need a bit of assistance in picking a choice. The results will be announced on Friday 30th June. Keep you eyes peeled for another list of the worst stations in South London for you to vote on.

18 Outdoor Cinema Venues in South London

18 Outdoor Cinema Venues in South London

Going to the pictures in South London has, traditionally, been a rainy-day activity, however, slowly but surely, this perception is being chiselled away. How? Well, after much consultation with scientists it has been discovered that projecting a moving image upon a large screen outside can also be done in the UK. Due to the fickle weather of this country however, this activity is only really doable during the summer months and, thankfully, the kind, handsome, and talented residents of South London are spoilt for choice with regards to venues. We love you guys, and we love films, so to show you our love we’ve compiled what we think is a pretty exhaustive alphabetical guide to 18 outdoor cinema venues in South London. Enjoy.

8 Scenic Spots for Yoga Practice in South London

8 Scenic Spots for Yoga Practice in South London

We love a bit of yoga at South London Club, and we're very sure that a good number of you do too. First things first, forget about yoga in a crowded, sweaty studio. Just simply forget about it. It's summer, and why should you be inside when you could be out in the big wide world, in the fresh air, enjoying alfresco back-to-basics yoga in a scenic corner of South London, rejuvenating your body and mind. For those of you who don't practice yoga, imagine this list without the "yoga practice", for you this is just a list of 8 scenic sport in South London. Really though, it is a list of 8 scenic spots for yoga practice in South London.

7 Beer Gardens To Try In Lambeth Borough This Summer

7 Beer Gardens To Try In Lambeth Borough This Summer

There are certain aspects of beer gardens that many of us take for granted, for those with children, the most important part of a beer gardens makeup and layout is that it will contain their children while they can sit, enjoy a drink, and keep an eye on them. Beer gardens can, in that sense, be something of a saviour for parents in that their children can, somewhat, be left to their own devices in a way they cannot in an indoor space. This is not to say that all beer gardens have to be this way, but the premier beer gardens probably will. So on top of that we’ve settled that beer gardens can come in many shapes and sizes, and we’ve also settled that they must be attached to a public establishment, that they actually originated in Germany. With all this in mind we can get on with telling you our list of seven beer gardens in Lambeth borough that you have to try this summer.

9 Cocktail Bars in South London You Have to Try!

9 Cocktail Bars in South London You Have to Try!

The art of making cocktails takes passion, fresh ingredients, and an extensive knowledge of flavours. There’s a professionalism to it that takes bartending to a whole new level, a level beyond pouring a pint. When done well, cocktails are a defining feature of a night - sometimes you want to go out for a pint, sometimes you want to go out for cocktails - maybe both. Say it to yourself: ‘we’re going for cocktails’. It’s grand and flash. Being an inherently grand and flash place, South London is spoilt for choice on establishments which serve tasty mixed drinks. Being South London Club (a very good potential name for a cocktail bar ©) we feel it is our duty to ensure that you are informed of the best South London establishments for grabbing the fanciest drink of all - a cocktail.

London History Day

London History Day

On Wednesday 31st May 2017 the first ever London History Day is set to he held. The date marks the anniversary of the day in 1859 when Big Ben began keeping time for the residents of London. The aim of the day is to highlight our great city’s wonderful history and is part of Historic England’s wider ‘Keep it London’ campaign, which aims to make Londoners discuss and celebrate the heritage of the capital. All across London, more than 40 galleries, museums and institution will be showing rare London-related objects, or staging special events and conducting tours to mark the occasion. A number of these special events will be happening south of the river in the more pleasant half of London. To save you time, we at South London Club have compiled a list of the events happening in South London

5 Best Burger Joints In Brixton

5 Best Burger Joints In Brixton

Brixton is already a pretty lively place; one of the liveliest in South London we'd say, and since the night tube started it has only become more exciting. Beyond the clubs, bars and music venues, Brixton has one of the finest selections of burger joints in all of London. If you’re heading into Brixton to revel the night away - and possibly the morning after - it might be wise to eat something hearty beforehand, so as to line the stomach and fuel your night ahead. Even if you’re not going 'out out' (Micky Flanagan ©) but still want to head out for a meal, perhaps with friends, family or even a romantic interest, we’ve done the hard work and compiled a list of the best burger joints in Brixton.

Blue Plaques of Brixton, Stockwell & Kennington

Blue Plaques of Brixton, Stockwell & Kennington

Blue plaques are a neat little indicator of history. They lend meaning to places that would otherwise just be buildings or houses on a street – they notify those passing that someone or something significant happened here. By proxy, the mere act of walking past said building becomes significant. Now, it would be petty to suggest that those at English Heritage who decide who gets a blue plaque are biased - it would be extremely petty indeed. Let’s just get that very, very clear. Petty. That said, the number of blue plaques across the Thames in North London (670) compared to beautiful, sunny South London (130) is shocking. At South London Club we've decided to compile the blue plaques across the beautiful region we call home. A curious combination maybe but Brixton and Stockwell have only three each (we know!), so we deemed it prudent to club the areas together in a list of the blue plaques of Brixton, Stockwell & Kennington.