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18 Outdoor Cinema Venues in South London

18 Outdoor Cinema Venues in South London

Going to the pictures in South London has, traditionally, been a rainy-day activity, however, slowly but surely, this perception is being chiselled away. How? Well, after much consultation with scientists it has been discovered that projecting a moving image upon a large screen outside can also be done in the UK. Due to the fickle weather of this country however, this activity is only really doable during the summer months and, thankfully, the kind, handsome, and talented residents of South London are spoilt for choice with regards to venues. We love you guys, and we love films, so to show you our love we’ve compiled what we think is a pretty exhaustive alphabetical guide to 18 outdoor cinema venues in South London. Enjoy.

7 Beer Gardens To Try In Lambeth Borough This Summer

7 Beer Gardens To Try In Lambeth Borough This Summer

There are certain aspects of beer gardens that many of us take for granted, for those with children, the most important part of a beer gardens makeup and layout is that it will contain their children while they can sit, enjoy a drink, and keep an eye on them. Beer gardens can, in that sense, be something of a saviour for parents in that their children can, somewhat, be left to their own devices in a way they cannot in an indoor space. This is not to say that all beer gardens have to be this way, but the premier beer gardens probably will. So on top of that we’ve settled that beer gardens can come in many shapes and sizes, and we’ve also settled that they must be attached to a public establishment, that they actually originated in Germany. With all this in mind we can get on with telling you our list of seven beer gardens in Lambeth borough that you have to try this summer.

9 Cocktail Bars in South London You Have to Try!

9 Cocktail Bars in South London You Have to Try!

The art of making cocktails takes passion, fresh ingredients, and an extensive knowledge of flavours. There’s a professionalism to it that takes bartending to a whole new level, a level beyond pouring a pint. When done well, cocktails are a defining feature of a night - sometimes you want to go out for a pint, sometimes you want to go out for cocktails - maybe both. Say it to yourself: ‘we’re going for cocktails’. It’s grand and flash. Being an inherently grand and flash place, South London is spoilt for choice on establishments which serve tasty mixed drinks. Being South London Club (a very good potential name for a cocktail bar ©) we feel it is our duty to ensure that you are informed of the best South London establishments for grabbing the fanciest drink of all - a cocktail.