6 Walking Routes To Try in Southwark Borough To Get Some Fresh Air

If you still want to get some fresh air during this lockdown, it’s key to remember you can still go out for a daily walk to get some exercise and try to cure that cabin fever. We’re starting off with Southwark borough, with beautiful views of the Thames and other incredible sights that you may never see empty again!

Along The Thames

Easily one of the most beautiful walks in Southwark borough is taking a stroll along the River Thames. During these difficult times, being near water can have a calming effect and with this route, you can make it as long or short as you like: the only guideline is to follow the river! For example, from The National Theatre to London Bridge Station is a manageable 30 minute walk, perfect for taking mental notes of all the things you want to do along the Southbank when all of this is over!

globe south london club

Peckham Rye Park

As one of our favourite green spaces in Southwark Borough, we couldn’t leave out Peckham Rye Park. A favourite among locals and for good reason, with its beautiful trees and flower beds, it provides a perfect form of escape which most of us are craving right now. There are lots of different routes you can take around the park itself, whether you choose to walk through or around it, but either option we would definitely recommend.

peckham rye park south london club

Matthew Black


Dulwich Park

Dulwich Park is another favourite, with wide paths to help you social distance and stunning greenery that can make you easily forget you’re in South London. Again, you have the choice of walking the perimeter of the park, but we recommend walking through it! You’ll have lots of opportunities to snap some stunning pictures of the boating lake, as well as the various flower beds dotted around the park. There are also various dog exercise areas if you’re furry friends need to let off some steam too!

dulwich park

Ewan Munro

dulwich t shirt south london club

Straight Outta Dulwich T-Shirt

Peckham print south london club

Peckham Library SE15 - Giclée Art Print


Southwark Park

With a total distance of around 1.3 miles, this is a great route for anyone wanting to take it easy or perhaps start with a shorter walk to make sure you are not outside for too long. Southwark Park has beautiful open spaces and can be a lovely spot to watch the sunset. Make sure to look out for the bandstand too, and take advantage of the fewer people by taking a scenic picture! It’s vastness can also make for a less stressful time, as it should be easy to social distance from other locals taking a stroll.

southwark park south london club

Burgess Park

Burgess Park has a healthy mix of smooth paths and grassy areas to explore on your daily walk, with the chance to take a moment of peace beside the lake too. It is also one of the largest parks in South London, so you shouldn’t have to worry too much about getting close to people here, as there is plenty of room for everyone to enjoy this wonderful park. There are also several listed buildings in the park which are remnants of the housing estates that once stood there, including a lime kiln and former almshouses in Chumleigh Gardens.

burgess park south london club

Ewan Munro


Lavender Pond Nature Reserve

Lavender Pond is a 2.5 acre nature reserve in Rotherhithe, with a small wildlife pond, wet meadows and native trees. It is perhaps one of the lesser known walking destinations on this list, but nevertheless we felt it deserved a spot for those of us who want a place to collect their thoughts and have a quiet moment for themselves.

lavender pond south london club

Dudley Miles


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